Teachers′ Awareness Regarding Teacher Talking Time (TTT) and the Necessary Techniques to Regulate It
María del Pilar Balbuena Ortega, Jennifer Cucurachi Moctezuma ( Corresponding author), Emmanuel Sarmiento álvarez, Emmanuel Sarmiento álvarez
Although Teacher Talking Time (TTT) offers benefits in English classes, it could also be considered an obstacle, as students are not given sufficient opportunity to practice the language. Based on this premise, the main purpose of this research is to provide possible solutions to reduce TTT and increase Student Talking Time (STT) in the language learning process. This must be done as the main objective of an EFL class is to encourage students to produce in the target language. A Case Study was the appropriate methodology, as it allowed observing participants in their natural context. It was necessary to carry out observations to register the exact amount of TTT and STT. The findings showed that the combination of a series of factors such as dynamic and motivating activities, and well-dosed classroom management may increase STT. Thus, this inquiry recommends STT to be indirectly proportional to TTT as the term progresses and explains through how this development can take place: real versus ideal.
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