Pedological Survey and Aspects Regarding the Use and Occupation of the River Itacolomi Hidrographical Sub-Basin in Ceará
Livana Sousa Guimar?es, Ernane Cortez lima
This work seeks to conduct a survey about the principal types of soils, as well as to identify different forms of use and occupation ofthe river Itacolomi hydrographical sub-basin. The area under consideration, what is part of the river Coreaú hydrographical sub-basin, covers a territorial extension of about 1065 km2 and is inserted into the municipalities of Tianguá, Vi?osa do Ceará, Granja and Meruoca. The methodology is based upon the general system theory, which is grounded in systems analysis. Furthermore, geo-mapping charts suited to that sub-basin were drawn up along with the conduction of field and bibliographical surveys. From this point of view, it must be stressed that such sub-basin has unique levels of environmental degradation due to the presence of partially unspoiled areas that present humid segments besides totally debased areas. In this manner, it is realized that the process of use and occupation of that sub-basin is tied to the extensive stockbreeding, subsistence farming, deforestation and fires, which plays a significant role in the intensification in erosive processes and loss of soils.
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