La Lutte Contre L’économie De La Drogue En Casamance: Ses Contraintes Et Les Méthodes De Contournement Des Stratégies étatiques
Beno?t TINE, Sociologue; Victor Nfansou DIATTA, Sociologue
Drugs represent a challenge for the entire planet, not only because of these social effects on consumers, but also and above all because of their destructive effects on the economies of some States. In Africa and more particularly in Senegal, the problem seems to be understood by the state authorities and taken up with the body. Thus, state and association strategies are being put in place to eradicate this "modern-day scourge". They are expressed in preventive but above all repressive action with the destruction of plans and the criminalization of cannabis use and trafficking. Nevertheless, the fight against this phenomenon, which is taking place in a context of armed conflict and the increasing impoverishment of the population of Kafountine in Casamance, is far from being won.
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