Economic and Health Effects of Public Drinking Water Supply in Rural Area of District Sheikhupura, Pakistan
Arfan Riasat, Dr. Ayesha Ch., Muhammad Younis Afzal, Muhammad Qavi Irshad
Clean and safe drinking water is vital component for human being. Water is second essential component after
oxygen. Currently drinking water is an international concern which concurrently effect economic and health
condition of people. This study was conducted to evaluate the economic and health influence of public drinking
water supply schemes in rural area of District Sheikhupura. In this research, the researcher also tried to find out
the issues with water supply schemes executed by Public Health Engineering Department (PHED).The universe of
the present study was the rural areas of district Sheikhupura where PHED water supply schemes present. The
total sample size was 150 respondents. For this purpose, total 15 rural drinking water supply schemes by PHED
were selected. The respondents were the user of these water supply schemes and community based organization
(CBO) selected through simple random sampling technique. The results showed that majority of respondent’s
views that underground water in their villages is contaminated; have to get water at the distance of ? Km before
the schemes. A large proportion of the respondents reported that there is reduction of water borne diseases and
health expenses due to water supply schemes and power failure is main problem in their village scheme. There is
great need to involve the CBOs in planning and designing of the schemes. Government should arrange extension
of water supply network where population increased with passage time and without the extension of network
community face problem to get house connections from water supply schemes.
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