Educational Inequality in Turkey: Girls only?
Figen Ere?
Aim of this study is to ascertain and evaluate the determinants of educational inequality in Turkey. In this study,
national and international assessments and research results regarding the Turkish Education system have been
examined, determinants of inequality in education were ascertained and evaluations have been performed.
Educational inequality in Turkey is identified by three determinants of gender, socio-economic conditions, and
quality of schools. Socioeconomic level is in itself an element of inequality and the basic determinants of
inequality. It is clearly seen that inequality of income negatively effects education according to the findings.
Turkey should therefore take precautions against income inequality and socio cultural structure should also be
considered. Quality of schools can change according to region and school types. Analyses of problems in
education impacted by economic, political, social, and cultural factors by the Ministiry of Education are the main
recommendation of this study.
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