The Role of Mobile Advertising on Consumers' Purchase Decisions: A Research on Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Advertising
Assist. Prof. Dr. Selda Ene, Assist. Prof. Dr. Betül ?zkaya
In addition to the creation of mobile phones containing various features, the developments in mobile technology
have particularly enabled mobile phones to be improved and differentiated. While these utilized improved
multimedia features, they also made the internet applicable. Due to mobile devices providing opportunities such
as text, video and voice communication to consumers and enabling them to be online anywhere, purchase
decisions of consumers shifts from fixed devices to mobile devices in terms of communication resources. Mobile
advertising occasionally influences consumers in their purchase decisions. Since the mobile device usage is very
high, now the mobile advertising can reach more consumers. Monitoring consumers' opinions and ideas
regarding mobile advertising and knowing their attitudes are few of the key factors that would render
corporations successful in their target markets with the correct marketing strategies. With this in mind, "Attitudes
towards Mobile Advertising" and "Demographic Features" of the consumers who decide to purchase goods in
Turkey are analyzed with a survey in this study. The survey has been conducted with individuals who are over 18
years of age, that own mobile devices, follow advertisements and that can make purchase decisions. Convenience
sampling method has been used. At first, Factor Analysis has been applied to gathered data and One-Way
Analysis of Variance has been used in order to study the relationship between variations gathered by factor
analysis and demographic features. The Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Advertising have been deduced to
five variables with the Factor Analysis.These five factor groups are "Adopting Mobile Advertisements",
"Informativeness", "Amusingness", "Leadership in Utilization of Technology" and "Annoyingness". The
relationship between deduced five variables and demographic features are analyzed by utilizing One-Way
Analysis of Variance. At the end of the analysis, it has been found that "Amusingness", "Leadership in Utilization
of Technology" variables had no relation with demographic features but other variables did. It is envisioned that
the study results would beneficially guide the corporations who seek to draw attention of consumers using mobile
advertisement applications.
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