Work Attitudes as Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Academic Teachers
Anetta Jaworska, Ewa Murawska, Tomasz Maliszewski, Danuta Apanel, Gra?yna Durka
The article presents the results of a research on the possibilities of explaining job satisfaction of academic
teachers in Poland. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was applied. The aim of the research was to
examine the importance and strength of autotelic and normative work attitudes in explaining subjective job
satisfaction of teachers in the area of teaching, research and organization. The research covered a group of 367
academics working in universities in Northern Poland. The research has shown that job satisfaction of academic
teachers can be explained to a greater extent by the work attitude they present rather than by the social support
received and the atmosphere at work. It turned out, however, that this applies only to job satisfaction in the field
of teaching and research. In the case of organizational work, the level of satisfaction with its performance proved
to be dependent more on interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
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