The Impact of Social Networking Sites on Applied Science University Students
Dr. Abdullah. F. Al-Daboubi
The intensive use of S.N.S by great number of people, especially youths and university students, and its impacts on
those users, motivated the researcher to conduct this study. The study random sample consisted of (332) students
from ASU, from both genders, various study levels, specialties. The analytical descriptive approach was applied,
and a questionnaire was developed to collect data including two main domains, (15) Psychological items and (15)
social items. The study also included two questions and four hypotheses, in addition to a number of independent
variables such as gender, college, place of residence and number of hours in use. The results showed no
significant impacts at the level (? ? 0.05) of S.N.S on ASU students according to gender, college, and residence,
but there was a sort of difference between psychological and social impact in favour of the latter one with a mean
of ( 3.81 ) .The results of the study showed that (133) students out of (332) spent (2 to 3) hours per day as a high
average of use. The researcher recommended that more controls and rules are required to organize S.N.S
applications, reinforce advantages, and reduce disadvantages; also the researcher recommended that more
studies should be conducted about this topic including other variables.
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