Rhyme and Children’s Knowledge or about One Way to the Symbol and Metaphor
Doc. Paed Dr. Zuzana Ková?ová
Rhyme is originally a product of the collective consciousness. As a folklore formation it is characterized by its
overlaps to natural speech, the initial acquisition of linguistic competence in terms of mastering phonetic system
of the language. The rhyme is close to the game that converts in the harmony of speech and being. It is a cultural
construct that symbolically models the children’s being in real life. It specifically emphasizes the pantomimic or
sound gesture, which becomes the starting point of its internal divergence as the genre. The rhyme is a unique
cultural construction. It is like a conventionalized (text) formation and it is cultural evidence that speech is
contingent on language and language is formed in speech. The rhyme is strong evidence for the unity of
knowledge and emotional survival, because it is always associated with certain intellect operations and
metacognitive processes. The rhyme is a metaphor of reality, its neighborhood with a fairy tale indicates the
evolution of narrative formations and it is evidence that speech grows.
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