“Analysing Changes and Challenges in the Spanish Restructuring of Social Policy within the Latin Regimen Context”
PhD Ma Belén Martín Castro
The Spanish Welfare State has expanded for the last thirty years (1978-2008, the period referred here). Due to
the crisis of the Keynesian classical model, which became apparent from the mid-seventies onwards at an
international level and here from the eighties, it was progressively necessary to restructure it, as well as to
redefine the role of the public sector. A panoramic will be shown analysing the effects of this crisis (which is not
only economic and social but also political and institutional) and the changes they have brought about in its
contents and management. In addition to having financial consequences, its instability impacts upon its own
capacity to act and upon its legitimacy and governance, so debates will continue concerning its future.
Consequently, the prominence of the different agencies with respect to citizenships’ welfare is changing, although
the Mediterranean family networks retain their role for support, especially in recession times.
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