Farmers’ Cooperatives and Agricultural Development in Kwali Area Council Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria
Yamusa Innocent, Adefila, J. O.
Cooperatives as self-help organization have been contributing significantly to economic growth and development
in terms of empowering poor people and creates enabling environment to participate actively in economic
process in the areas of providing job opportunities, increasing accessibility to credit facilities and providing
social protection. The study aimed at evaluating the influence of farmers’ cooperatives on agricultural
development, the socio-economic traits, perception of the members and the constraints to cooperation in Kwali
area council, FCT Abuja, Nigeria. Primary data were generated through the administration of structured
questionnaire among 270 respondents using purposive sampling technique. Focus group discussion (FGD) was
also employed to augment the research instrument. Secondary data were generated from official gazettes,
research reports, journals, books and documented materials. Descriptive statistics such as averages, frequency,
mean and percentages were used to summarize the data. In addition, Chi square (Z2) statistics was used to
measure the effects of cooperatives on agricultural development. The result showed p-values for level of
education (0.013), co-operative experience (0.021) and family size (0.018) having some significant difference with
agricultural development at 0.05 alpha level. On the basis of the findings, one recommends among other things,
there should be adequate provision for basic infrastructural facilities such as all-weather roads, electricity and
water in the rural areas. Also, government should support farmers’ co-operatives with regulatory and
administrative framework to ensure satisfactory service delivery to the society. The study concludes that, though
farmers’ co-operatives have the potential to make maximum contribution to agricultural development, there is
need to organize for them training and re-training programmes through workshops, seminars and conferences so
as to enhance capacity building and acquisition of necessary managerial skills.
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