Right Here, Right Now: Brazilian Low-Income Consumers’ Urge to Shop
Maria de Lourdes Bacha, Celso Figueiredo Neto
This article aims to analyze attitudes towards physical vanity concerning appearance, perception of appearance,
and achievement vanity from the scale of vanity adapted from Netemeyer, Burton & Lichtenstein (1995) among
low-income residents in S?o Paulo, Brazil. After a brief literature review, the results of an empirical study
conducted on with a non-probabilistic sample of 420 individuals selected in neighborhoods of intense pedestrian
flow in the city of S?o Paulo are presented. The results indicate that this population would be more concerned
with vanity linked to physical appearance than with vanity resulted from goal achievements. In other words, there
is a perception that socioeconomic low-income classes C and D seem to seek the satisfaction of their immediate
desires, right here, right now, giving in to the appeals of mass communication.
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