The American Protestant Missionary Network in Ottoman Turkey, 1876-1914
Devrim ümit PhD
American missionaries have long been the missing link in the study of the late Ottoman period despite the fact
that they left their permanent trade in American as well as Western conceptions of the period such as “Terrible
Turk” and “Red Sultan” just to name a few. From the landing of the first two American Protestant missionaries,
Levi Parsons and Pliny Fisk, on the Ottoman Empire, as a matter of fact on the Near East, in early 1820, until the
outbreak of the First World War in 1914, American missionaries occupied the increasing attention of the Ottoman
bureaucracy in domestic and foreign affairs while the mission work in the Ottoman Empire established the largest
investment of the American Board of Commissionaries for Foreign Missions (A.B.C.F.M.) in the world, even
above China and India, on the eve of the war. The bulk of the correspondence of the Ottoman Ministry of Foreign
Affairs for the period was with the United States and this was chiefly concerned about the American mission
schools. Therefore, this paper seeks to examine the encounter between the Ottoman officialdom and the
American Protestant missionaries in Ottoman Turkey during the successive regimes of Sultan Abdülhamid II and
the Committee of Union and Progress, the Unionists in the period of 1876-1914. The paper, while shedding light
on the historical development of the activities of the American Board, mainly the schools and addressing the
concerns and reactions of the Ottoman authorities to American missionaries and their establishments,
demonstrates further how the missionaries were instrumental in the orientation and articulation of the American
foreign policy towards the Ottoman Empire even to the extent of sending the American war vessels to the Ottoman
ports six times under three different Presidents in a ten-year period. The very agenda of the missionaries,
namely, to evangelize the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire, which remained dormant throughout the nineteenth
century, resurfaced on the eve of the First World War given the radical change in the ethnic and religious map of
the Empire in favor of Turks and Muslims following the disastrous Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 carving out the last
remaining Balkan territories of the Ottoman Empire.
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