How much do the Students learn during Training to be Teachers in Schools? Experiences with ICT in Childhood Education
Rosalía Romero Tena
The learning and experience during the internship, is a topic of interest to improve the quality of the curriculum
of initial teacher training. This paper provides an overview of what is done in children classrooms with ICT. A
questionnaire was administered to students -N=230- of the specialty of Early Childhood Education of the
University of Seville during 2011/12. The closed questions were analyzed to obtain the basic statistics and the
open-ended questions were analyzed through a category system. This has allowed us to draw conclusions from
the comments of participants. The findings show the lack of knowledge and experience gained by the students
from ICT use and application in this practicum period, and also shows how little they know about strategies to
ICT insertion in the children′s classrooms. It is to be highlighted the great interest shown by students in acquiring
knowledge of ICT, but there were very few schools within the practicum which worked with ICT.
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