Construction of Citizenship at Swedish Preschools
Dr. Lisbeth Lindstr?m
The purpose of my research is to make visible, highlight and illuminate preschool teachers’ perception of what
abilities they perceive children have possibilities to develop during their stay at preschools. Theories of
citizenship are used as a theoretical framework. The research was conducted by using a questionnaire that was
sent out to 13 local municipalities in the region of Norrbotten in the north of Sweden. Five in-depth interviews
were also held. The results from the questionnaire showed an overall positive response from the respondents to
almost all of the statements presented in the questionnaire. The positive responses that the preschool teachers and
other staff gave to most of the statements in the questionnaire will be an important platform of knowledge for the
development of active citizenship, although these positive responses still need to be critically analyzed and further
investigated. The results from the in-depth interviews gave, in some parts, the same results as the questionnaire
did. However, in the interviews, some critical aspects were highlighted such as: preschool teachers’ lacking time
for the pedagogical mission stated in the curriculum; larger groups of children enrolled in the preschools can
develop stress among children; and, finally, difficulties to get replacement staff to some preschools, which can be
perceived as stressful by ordinary staff. Based on the research results, it is argued that children enrolled in
Swedish preschools have the possibilities to develop as active citizens, and consequently develop active
citizenship. However, a critical factor is the tendencies of the amount of larger groups of enrolled children in
preschools, which, in turn, can delay the possibilities for the children to negotiate their citizenship on a daily
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