Supply Chain Information System Flexibility and Performance in the Print Industry in Some Selected Printing Press in Kumasi
Gladys Tuo, Stephen Okyere, Otchere Fianko Alexander
Flexibility indeed has become a competitive weapon in the business world. The increase in competition has made
supply chain flexibility even more important emerging issue for businesses. However, many companies around the
world give little attention to flexibility within supply chains. This eventually affects performance and
competitiveness of those businesses. This study sought to empirically; examine information systems flexibility and
performance that leads to competitive advantage within the print industries in Kumasi. The study envisaged that
the causes of the industries? inability to be flexible with information flow be identified and appropriate solutions
found to curb the problems of poor performance. The study employed quantitative approaches with multiple cases
to examine the information systems flexibility and performance on supply chain within the print industries in
Kumasi. Primary and secondary data were used for the study. The primary data was sourced through Selfadministered
questionnaire through sixty (60) respondents in print industry in Kumasi within three clusters.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data with the aid of Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel 2007 Software. The study revealed that, the sixty print industries stood
strong in terms of supply chain performance and the information systems flexibility was comparatively high. The
study also revealed that there was a positive correlation between information systems flexibility and performance.
It is recommended therefore that, the management of the print industries, particularly in Kumasi should give
consideration to information systems flexibility by putting measures in place to build strong information
infrastructure that is robust and can respond quickly to market demand and forces to improve the standard of
information systems and try to maintain high performance.
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