A Study on the Assessment of Social Security Practices by the Personnel at the Hotels in Gaziantep
Assistant Professor Dr. At?n? OLCAY, Assistant Professor Dr. Filiz G?LPEK, Ercan ?NCE
Main purpose of this study is to determine to what extend the personnel who work at the hotels in Gaziantep
Province, which has an important place in trade, industry and tourism benefit social security rights, benefit social
security rights. Data on the social security rights of the personnel who work at hotels which operate in Gaziantep
are analyzed in the study. In the study, by using survey technique, it is determined to what extend the personnel
who work at the hotels in Gaziantep can benefit social security rights. In addition, it is discussed that whether or
not a statistically meaningful difference is between the levels at which the personnel benefit social security rights
and the variable of star numbers of the hotels. In consequence of the study; it is concluded that social security
rights of the personnel who work at the star hotels which operate in Gaziantep are mostly protected by the
employers and a statistically meaningful difference is between the level at which the personnel benefit social
security rights and the variable of star numbers of the hotels.
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