Teachers’ Value Orientations as Determinants of Preference for External and Anonymous Whistleblowing
Assist. Prof. Dr. Asiye Toker G?k?e
Whistle-blowing indicates disclosing organizational wrongdoings resulting in harm to third parties. An individual’s decision to blow the whistle might be based upon organizational, situational or personal factors. This study inquires the relationship between value orientations of teachers and choices for whistle-blowing with particular modes. Descriptive statistics, Correlation matrix, and regression analysis were used for analyzing the data. The sample includes 291 teachers in Turkey. Results revealed that, teachers prefer both external and anonymous reporting slightly. Besides, collectivism positively affects teachers’ choices for whistle-blowing modes, while individualism affects positively only anonymous reporting. The results showed that there is no relationship between the values and intentions of the teachers to blow the whistle externally, and anonymously. While there have been many studies examining whistle blowing with different factors in especially marketing, there has not been any intention for examining it in education. Thus, this paper aimed to contribute to the extant literature by choosing Turkey and education as context as most studies have been conducted in the Western cultures, and in accounting or marketing service.
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