Analysis of the Mistakes Done by the Foreign Students in the Written Language While Learning Turkey Turkish
The purpose of this study was twofold. The first was to detect the wrong transition mistakes of the Turkic originated foreign students in written expression while studying Anatolian Turkish, within the frame of European Language Development File Criteria, and the second was to determine their reasons regarding doing these mistakes. Based primarily on the European Language Development File Criteria, “Personal Information Form” was prepared in order to analyze the “Language Passport, Language Biography, and Language File” of the students. The form was prepared in four main parts consisting of Personal Records (I.D. and Education Records, Family Members), Language Learning Past (Different Languages S/he Learned and the Language Courses S/he Attends, Which Way / Channel S/he Learned Anatolian Turkish, Turkish Course Completion Level), a multiple choice test prepared in order to measure the Turkish knowledge level and planned sample scripts that the students were made to write in Anatolian Turkish. The prepared form was applied on 30 foreign students that study in different faculties and departments in Atatürk University and most of whom are Azerbaijanis from Iran and Azerbaijan and Turkmens. The personal records and the language learning past in the first two parts were classified as per the objectives of the study, and graphically expressed by means of Excel 0.6 program. The Anatolian Turkish sufficiency levels of the students were detected as per the multiple choice questions in the third part. Finally, the planned sample scripts that the students were made to write were examined through “document examination” method and were applied to “conceptual analysis.” In the conceptual analysis, the wrong transition mistakes were examined under four topics of “phonetic level,” “morphologic level,” “vocabulary level,” and “syntactic level”. The results showed that the foreign Turkic originated students of mostly tended to make mistakes in phonetic level, and that they made frequent wrong transitions due to their mother tongues. According to the results of this study, in preparing ?Turkish writing curriculum or courses?, it?s necessary to pay attention to the related wrong transitions and the related features of the mother tongues of the target groups.
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