Observatory on Health Geography Mexico State: Mortality 2010
Marcela Virginia Santana Juárez, Elsa Mireya Estrada Rosales, Noel Bonfilio Pineda Jaimes, Giovanna Santana Casta?eda
The reason of this article is to analyze the distribution of mortality in the State of Mexico, México in 2010, a topicwithin theobservatoryhealth Geography. The results indicate that mortality rates are highest in rural areas mainly in post-productive population. The fivemost common causes arechronic degenerativetype, whichhavedistinctdistribution patternsin bothurban and ruralareas. It is concluded that health problems in terms of mortality rates occur in urban and rural areas, the group of post-productive population is the most vulnerable. It is recommendedthat strategies andpolicies areformulated with aholistic and integrated approachtolocaland globalscales. Servefor better decision-making and health policyestablishmentin Mexico.
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