Analysis of the Management Process of File and Receipt of Tax Documents on a Brazilian Accounting Service Provider Company
Vanessa Ramos da Silva, Graciela Dias Coelho Jones
The current competitive marketplace requires companies to meet the needs and expectations of its customers with the highest possible quality. This article aims to analyze the Management Process of file and receipt of Tax Documents on a Brazilian Accounting Service Provider Company located in the Triangulo Mineiro region in the state of Minas Gerais. In order to optimize the time required for fulfillment of requests for documents made by customers as a differentiator against its competitors, it proposes a new process flow diagram of receiving and filing tax documents based on survey. It is a work of a qualitative nature, for its development adopted the bibliographic and documentary research, as well as holding interviews with the purpose of knowing the process studied in this work. As a result, we have that the proposed new flowchart, with the layout of the process of receiving and filing tax documents, will benefit greatly from the service provider.
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