Militant Oil Agitations in Nigeria’s Niger Delta and the Economy
Mr. Fidelis A.E. PAKI, Mr. Kimiebi Imomotimi EBIENFA
Whereas oil is the fulcrum of the Nigerian economy, the ethnic minorities populated Niger Delta which bears the burden of oil and gas production paradoxically remains one of the least developed parts of the country. The area suffers from gross environmental degradation and endemic poverty. Thus the unabated marginalization, disempowerment, segregation, suppression and repression of hitherto peaceful agitations by the people for decades made violent oil agitations inevitable, hence the militancy that presently characterize the region. The paper argues that oil induced militant activities in the region have impacted negatively on the nation’s economy. This is evident in disruptions of oil and gas production, reduced national revenue, withdrawal of foreign capital, company and expatriate staff, transportation difficulties and short falls in projected electricity supply. The paper concludes that, until the grievances of the region, militant agitations curbed successfully and Niger Delta development elevated to the fore of national development, are adequately addressed, peace will be elusive and the wheels of economic development grounded.
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