Investigating Spanish EFL Students′ Beliefs and Preferences Regarding the Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback
Dr. Juan de Dios Martínez Agudo
The main goal of the present research study was to examine Spanish EFL students′ beliefs about the role and effectiveness of corrective feedback as well as their preferences about how corrective feedback should best be provided in classroom settings. Although the resulting data confirm the need and pedagogical value of corrective feedback in classroom settings, the fact is that research evidence also points to the conclusion that corrective feedback may at times inhibit or discourage L2 learning because some learners may feel seriously inhibited and embarrassed when being orally corrected, particularly in class-fronted situations. What seems to be still unclear is the timing of correction, or rather, whether corrective feedback should be provided right after the error is detected or preferably once students have already finished. Accordingly, the resulting data somehow suggest that learners do not always receive the corrective feedback that they expect and/or prefer.
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