The Relationship between the Reflective Thinking Skills and Emotional Intelligences of Class Teachers
Zuhal GUVENC, Assist. Prof.Dr. Kazim CELIK
This study has been conducted with the aims of disclosing the levels of emotional intelligence of class teachers and sub-branches of emotional intelligence ( self-consicousness, organizing and managing emotions, self- motivation and social skills), the levels of teachers at reflective thinking skills, finding out any difference within class teachers regarding the certain variables like sex, professional seniority, educational background, the number of the students of class teachers, uncovering the relation between emotional intelligences of class teachers and reflective thinking skills and the extent to which emotional intelligence influence reflective thinking skills. As data collecting tools, “The frequency scale of use of Emotional Intelligence Competencies in Professional Life of Instructors” which is adapted by Titrek (2004b) and “The scale for determine the level of reflective thinking of class teachers” by Dolapcio?lu (2007) were implemented. Research data have been analyzed by means of statistical arithmetic average, t-test, F-test (Variance Analysis), LSD test, linear regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient. The study suggests that there is no significant difference regarding the emotional intelligence perceptions of teachers in terms of above-mentioned variables like sex, educational background and number of the students of class teachers. Unlike those variables, class teachers have shown a significant difference as to perception of emotional intelligence according to one variable, “professional seniority”. A significant difference has been found out as motivating the emotions in line with sex variable, organizing and managing emotions and self-motivation regarding the “professional seniority” at the statistical level of 0.5. There is no significant difference among class teachers as for the perceptions of reflective thinking skills according to the variables, sex, professional seniority, educational background and number of the students those taught. This study has also revealed a significant relation between sorts of emotional intelligence of teachers and reflective thinking skills of teacher.
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