Scrum As Community of Practice to Small and Medium-Sized High Technology Enterprises Realize the Strategic Plan
Taciana de Barros Jer?nimo, Denise Dumke de Medeiros
This paper proposes a dynamic strategic planning methodology using Scrum Agile Methodology to help small and medium-sized high technology enterprises (SMET) to strategizing. This paper provides a brief review of the issues involved in the strategizing perspective into the Scrum Agile methodology, while analyzing 13 SMET companies and how they do strategies into the community of practice. The proposed model allows the SMET innovative managers to scale up their business models swiftly and then to protect themselves from competitive attacks, in these cases happen to the advice is a quick adaptation of strategies and also evolving Technological advances rapidly, uncertainties of the environment and deliver real value to customers in a cost-efficient and a profitable way. The strategic planning model proposed is based on agile development methodologies, in which, each step is divided into a cycle, which removes the necessity to finalize a particular stage of planning before starting another one, and it seeks a SMET to minimize the risk of elaborating a plan. This paper is valuable to a SMET manager, by developing actions for the long term and disseminating relevant information to the company employees in a dynamic way.
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