Analyse of Eff?c?ency of‘Cooperat?ve Process’ in Soc?al Construct?v?st
Erdal BAY, Prof. Dr. Hikmet Y?ld?r?m CELKAN, Bayram ?ET?N
Aim of this working researches on effect of portfolio points with scientific process skills, interpersonal of teacher candidates and communication skills in social constructivist learning environment of cooperative process. In this sense, cooperate process is researched whether show meaningful differentness or not and concerning point average of this skills perceiving as low, normal and high. Investigation had been carried out continuing “Specific teaching methods” lecture on 187 elementary Mathematic teacher candidate. Teaching environments which based on social constructivist approach had been constituted within investigation. “Cooperate process scale”, “self-assessment form” and plenary assessment rubric had been used obtaining of the datum. Findings show to become meaningful and higher than perceivers as “low” and “normal”of average portfolio points with feeling scientific process skills, communication and interpersonal of teacher candidates as “high” in this cooperate process. As a conclusion, it can be said to be effective on interpersonal,communication and scientific process skills of the learners of cooperate process in social constructivist approach.
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