Realability and Validity Study of the School and College Abillity Test (SCAT) Advanced Form
Dr. Hayfa Tayseer Elbokai
The aim of this study is to study the psychometric characteristic of the School and College Ability Test (SCAT) advanced form.? First, the translation of the items into Arabic is discussed; second, the validation and the reliability studies are examined. The random sample was selected for this purpose, which consists of 299 students from the first and second year of secondary schools, also this sample selected from gifted students to support the validity by contrasted group's method. We use also the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and the scholastic achievement for this purpose. The finding showed that there is a significant correlation between the verbal and quantitative sections for the SCAT, also between the total score of the SCAT and the scholastic achievement. Besides, the finding showed the significant correlation between the verbal, quantitative, total score of the SCAT and the SPM. On the other hand, the finding showed significant differences between the mean scores of normal students and gifted students for the SCAT. For the reliability, the finding shows the Alpha coefficient is 0.88 for the total score. And the split-half coefficient is 0.65. Finally, the correlation between the two sections' scores and the total score is significant.
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