Nutrition Habits of Women in Karapinar (Central Anatolia): Corrects and Incorrects
The correct and incorrect management of food preparation, cooking and storage habits of women in Karap?nar, Central Anatolia were determined by questionnaires. Majority of the women were obese with grade I, II and III body type. Although socio-economic level of housewives are relatively high, incorrect practices were determined while using and storing vegetables, legumes, dairy products, oil and eggs that are all common in their daily nutrition. However, use of steel pan, single use of frying oil and timing of sugar use for puddings were correct practices. Thus, nutrition habits and knowledge of women in Karap?nar are somewhat within standards. However, enhancing the current knowledge is requested for better food processing and good health which can be only available with education courses. Since interviews revealed housewives willingness to education courses, improper nutritional habits can be corrected by educational courses.
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