Stakeholder Expectations in Spanish Public Universities: An Empirical Study
Manuel Larrán Jorge, Antonio López Hernández, Ma Yolanda Calzado Cejas
The application of social responsibility to the field of higher education implies, among other issues, the identification of the expectations of the different stakeholders involved, the establishment of the proper mechanisms of dialogue with these stakeholders, and a greater tendency towards accountability. Universities are now forced to interact with more numerous and more varied stakeholders. These connections and interdependencies are related both to the external functions of universities, such as the economic, social, and environmental externalities that they generate, and the direct services that they provide, such as teaching, research, and knowledge transfer. Therefore, in order to assure their role in modern society, universities are obliged to completely reconsider both their mission and their vision, along with the expectations of and relations with different stakeholders. This justifies and motivates this study where the objective, from an empirical point of view, is essentially to identify the expectations and demands that different stakeholders present to Spanish public universities, within a line of research that is still in an incipient stage, given the scarce amount of studies that have analyzed the role of stakeholders in universities.
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